MiR Community Registration šŸ‘‹šŸæ
Welcome! Please complete this form to join the MiR Community.

MiR Community serves to bring together underrepresented minorities who use R within industry and academia. Please note that we accept members from across a wide range of fields and individuals in all stages of their careers are welcome(including those new to R usage!).
MiR Community leadership uses this form to process requests to join MiR as a member or an ally. Once approved, you will be invited to the MiR slack, which is our preferred tool for communication.

We will share upcoming events, conferences, articles within this space.
Please don't hesitate to contact the organizers if you have any questions or concerns.
We are excited to have you join!
Name *
Email *
Account Verification
In order to join, you must provide us some way to verify that you are who you say you are.

Please fill-out the following:
(1) link to your online profile - i.e., LinkedIn or Twitter or personal website.
(2) Write a sentence or two about why you would like to join our online community/how you found us
(3) If you were referred by someone, please mention their first and last name, twitter handle, or LinkedIn profile.
Twitter Handle/LinkedIn Profile URL/Personal Website *
Why would you like to join MiR? *
Were you referred to this group? If so, please indicate who referred you. (first name, last name/twitter handle)
If you identify as an ally to underrepresented minorities, please share one thing that you have done or plan to do in your role as an ally.
Can we add you to our mailing list and occasionally email you about MiR events and meet-ups? *
By submitting this form, you acknowledge that you are a real person, owner of the account you are setting up, and that the information provided in the verification textbox is true. You also agree to follow our code of conduct and to not solicit other members inappropriately.
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