We want to hear from you!
There have been more than 15 million cannabis arrests in the U.S. in the last 25 years. These arrests have caused humiliation, trauma, lost jobs, evictions, deportations, derailed dreams — and even death. But far too few of the stories have been told.  
If you’re one of the millions of people who’s suffered the injustice of having your freedom put in jeopardy for a plant that is safer than alcohol, we want to hear from you.
We also want to hear from law enforcement, criminal defense attorneys, prosecutors, medical professionals, clergy and other witnesses to cannabis prohibition who think it’s past time Hawaii stop locking up cannabis users.
Please share your story with us so we can help tell the stories of why this war on people who use cannabis must end.
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I was impacted by cannabis prohibition — or saw its impact — as a: *
Please share your story here. If you were arrested or cited for a cannabis offense, please describe what you went through and any lasting impact: *
Would you be comfortable with MPP sharing your story? *
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