Mahjong Tournament Registration Form
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Indian River Area Library occasionally uses photographs of patrons and events in its publications, on Facebook/Instagram, or on its website. This form grants the Library permission to use your and/or your child's photo unless we hear otherwise from you.
I hereby grant permission to the Indian River Area Library to use my and/or my child's photograph on its website, Facebook/Instagram, or other official printed publications without further consideration, and I acknowledge the library's right to crop or treat the photograph at its discretion. I also acknowledge that the Library may choose not to use my photo at this time, but may do so at its own discretion at a later date. I also understand that once my image is posted on the Indian River Area Library website or Facebook/Instagram page, the image can be downloaded. Therefore, I agree to indemnify and hold harmless from any claims the following: Board of Trustees, Indian River Area Library and All Employees. Indian River Area Library reserves the right to discontinue use of the photos without notice. Please check "I Understand" whether you prefer you and/or your child are only identified by first name or not identified by name. If you prefer to not be photographed at all, please check the box "Do not photograph" (and possibly provide some defining characteristics so that we can recognize you in order to avoid photographing you!)
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