SACS Feedback Survey
The purpose of this survey is to reach as many Cognitive Science students as possible and make sure your voices are being heard. With this information, we will be able to improve the resources and events available to you.

You can fill out as little or as many of the questions as you'd like — we want to hear what you have to say!

For any questions, please contact
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What year are you in?
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Have you attended any SACS events?
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If Yes, which events did you attend?
If you have not attended any SACS events, why not?
Do you have any comments about the events? Do you have any suggestions? How we can improve or do you have any new event ideas?
Do you feel as though information about SACS events is sufficiently disseminated, i.e., do you hear about SACS stuff when it's going on?
I never hear about SACS/its events
I am aware of everything SACS does
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How do you generally become aware of SACS Events/Resources?
Cog Sci Community
Do you feel connected to other cog sci students at McGill?
Not at all
Strongly connected
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How important is it for you to feel connected to the cognitive science community?
Not important
Very important
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If you do not feel connected, do you have any suggestions for SACS to improve the sense of community in Cog Sci?
Other Feedback
We are currently working on a resource guide that will be available to all cognitive science students soon. This guide will be posted on our listserv, social medias, and website.
Are you aware that SACS has a Facebook page, website, listserv, and Instagram? (Mark all that apply)
What additional resources do you wish SACS provided?
Do you have any feedback or comments regarding classes? If so, please include course code and professor name, along with your feedback.
Do you have any other feedback or suggestions for SACS?
If you would like to schedule a follow-up appointment with SACS Co-Presidents, please include your email address and we will get back to you.
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