2023 Fresh Coast Film Festival - Emcee Application
Emcee's are a key piece of the Fresh Coast Film Festival experience. As an emcee, you are the face of Fresh Coast for the film block. This is a great position for people that love public speaking. 
Emcee responsibilities include: 
  • Introducing the film
  • Moderating audience Q & A with filmmakers/crew/film subjects
  • Making venue announcements
Fresh Coast 2023 will be held October 19 - 22 in Marquette.

Emcees applications will be open through October 13. Assignments will be sent out the first week of October and every few days after that. until all positions are filled. An emcee volunteer training will be held in mid-October. Have questions? Contact us at volunteer@freshcoastfilm.com
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Mobile Phone Number *
Are you at least 18 years of age? *
Are you over the age of 21? *
Have you previously volunteered for Fresh Coast as an emcee? *
How many shifts are you interested in volunteering for? (Volunteer for two and get a free weekend pass!) *
Please select your top three choices of where you would like to volunteer: (Please note we do our best to fulfill everyone's requests, but cannot guarantee placement at requested venues.) *
FCFF will be taking place from Thursday, October 19 - Sunday, October 22. Please select your possible availability for these dates. (We totally understand availability can change -- just fill this in as best you can. This will help us when assigning volunteer shifts.)
Friday, October 20
Saturday, October 21
Sunday, October 22
Morning (9:30am - noon)
Afternoon (Noon - 4 pm)
Evening (6:30pm - 9pm)
Is there a film block you'd like to emcee? Let us know the name of the block. 
Please share any relevant public speaking experience. 
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