QUESTIONS: Displacement in MENA and UN Humanitarian Responses
Please use this form to submit questions for the panelists ahead of time. The event will include live Q&A and these questions may be used during that portion of the event in addition to audience interventions.

About this event:

Georgetown University's Middle East North Africa Forum is pleased to host a discussion on "Displacement in MENA and UN Humanitarian Response" featuring Dr. Elizabeth Ferris and H.E. Mr. Nasser Judeh.

Dr. Elizabeth Ferris is a research professor at the Institute for the Study of International Migration at Georgetown University and serves on the Expert Advisory Group for the UN Secretary General's High Level Panel on Internal Displacement.

H. E. Mr. Nasser Judeh is a member of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and a member of the UN Secretary General's High Level Panel on Internal Displacement. He served previously as Minister of Foreign Affairs of Jordan as well as Deputy Prime Minister. Opening remarks will be given by Georgetown MENA Forum Co-Chair Menty Kebede.

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