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English name: *
Number: *
Class: *
1. Which of the following is a waffle? *
2. Which word can be changed for the word 'declared.' *
3. Desi really likes to go to her aunt's house. *
4. How would Desi describe (描述) the other children on the bus? *
5. Desi tells her friend that she... *
6. Which of the following is true? *
7. Which of the following is true? *
8. Which of the following is the correct meaning of overhear/overheard. *
9. After Desi's mom told her the news, Desi was... *
10. Which of the following DIDN'T Desi do on her first day with no school? *
11. Desi looks very shocked on p. 12 because... *
12. Which is true? *
13. What else did Desi miss about her school? *
14. How did Desi feel about online classes? *
15. On page 15, Desi is in a 'Zoom class.' What is Zoom? *
A Zoom Genius!
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