pro-iBiosphere meeting, Berlin 8-10 October 2013 - questionnaire for evaluation
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Please, identify the sessions you attended: *
How did you hear about the pro-iBiosphere meeting? *
Are you a member and/or do you follow one of the following pro-iBiosphere groups on:
Is there any recommendation and/or feedback you would like to suggest regarding the workshop(s) you have attended?
What attracted you to this meeting? *
How do you rate the content of the workshop(s)? *
 How would you assess the interest you have found participating in the workshop(s)? *
How many useful contacts have you established or strengthened during this meeting? *
Do you plan to attend other pro-iBiosphere events? *
If so, do you plan to attend as a/an? *
Would you recommend the pro-iBiosphere workshops to others? *
Do you feel after the workshop(s) that the pro-iBiosphere project towards a common, open biodiversity knowledge system is: *
In what ways do you think the content of the workshop(s) could have been improved?
What future topics would be of most relevance or interest to you, which you would like to be included in future pro-iBiosphere meetings?
In case you would like to include a short testimonial, please write it below and do not forget to include your name. Thank you!
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