IEHP Mentorship Program - Mentee Application

The Internationally Educated Healthcare Professionals (IEHPs) project, a collaboration between the PEGASUS Institute and Canadian Medical Foundation (CMF), seeks to address challenges for IEHPs integrating into Canada's healthcare system. Bridging the skill gaps, we aim for a diverse workforce where refugee/forcibly displaced IEHPs excel, enhancing patient care nationwide. 

Join our IEHPs Mentorship Program to benefit from industry expertise, guidance in integration, and professional networking. While securing employment is your responsibility, your participation is crucial for smooth reintegration into the Canadian healthcare system. Together, we aim to enhance IEHP integration, foster a supportive environment, facilitate knowledge exchange, and promote collaboration. Gain insights into workplace culture, teamwork, management, and communication. Stay updated on industry insights, trends, and expand your professional network. Apply now to gain valuable insights, bridge research gaps, and discover hidden job opportunities. 


You recently immigrated to Canada and are eager to utilize your skills and talents to contribute to healthcare diversity, equity, and innovation in an IEHPs supportive environment. You should join our mentorship program if: 

  • You are unemployed or underemployed and are looking to reconnect with your career. 
  • You are a: naturalized citizen, permanent resident, refugee claimant, provincial nominee or the dependent of a provincial nominee. 

  • You are legally entitled to work in Canada. 

  • You have a post-secondary education equivalent to a university degree, or professional masters required to practice in a regulated healthcare profession.  

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The following questions/items are intended to obtain adequate background information, which will help in effective communication and successful mentor-mentee matching throughout the duration of the project. Do you consent to the use of your personal information for this purpose?   *
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