District 18 Club Coach/Sponsor/Mentor Interest Form
Please complete the Club Coach/Sponsor/Mentor Interest Form if you are interested in any of these roles for the 2024-2025 Toastmasters Year. (There is no obligation when expressing interest.)

Club Coach: review the agreement form to understand the requirements and expectations: https://www.toastmasters.org/resources/club-coach-agreement

Club Mentor: an experienced Toastmaster who guides a new club for at least six months after its charter date. 

Club Growth Director cgd@toastmasters-d18.org
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Email *
Are you interested in being a Club Coach,  Club Sponsor, and/or Club Mentor? *
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
What Club(s) are you a member of? *
What D18 Area(s)/Division(s) work best for you? (Especially if a potential club meets hybrid or in-person)
Consider your experience and check if you are better suited to assist a community club, corporate club, or both. *
What time of day works best for club meetings?
Additional information
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