Outstanding Driver Education Program Grant
Illinois High School and College Driver Education Association
Teacher Endorsement Program

The Illinois High School and College Driver Education Association (IHSCDEA) proudly announcements that grant money is available to Illinois public high school Driver Education Programs who have teacher/members in the association.

The Teacher Endorsement Program (TEP) since 2017 has offered teacher endorsement classes in partnership with the University of St. Francis.  As a result of strong enrollment the program is financially able to assist public high schools demonstrating outstanding programming and educational initiatives that extend beyond the classroom.  

Please use the form below to answer questions and explain your programmatic needs.

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Email *
First and Last Name of Applicant *
What is the name of your high school? (Complete Name) *
What is your email address? *
What is your phone number? *
What is the city in which your school is located? *
What is the state in which your school is located? *
What is your school's zip code? *
What is the name of the program, innovation, or initiative? *
What are the program goals? *
Please describe the program you hope for us to help fund. *
What is your action plan? *
How will you measure the program's success? *
Will you be using additional funds to achieve program goals? *
How much money would you like the IHSCDEA to donate? *
What is the total cost of the program? *
What is the name of your principal? (first and last) *
Have you spoken with you principal about the cause for which you are seeking a grant? *
Does your principal support your idea of bringing this program or event to your school? *
Type your name below to represent your signature. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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