Step 2 - Enrollment for Global Certification Course on Climate Change and Sustainable Development
IMP Note-
  1. Use only single email [primary email] everywhere to register.
Email *
Payment ID [by Razorpay] *
in case you forget your Payment ID, You can find Payment ID in your Email inbox sent by Razorpay with payment receipt.
Full Name *
As per your educational documents, this name will be reflected on your certificate
Full Postal Address with Pincode *
we may send you study material, newsletters, greetings and gifts on special occasion via post. so please provide full and permanent postal adress.
Mobile number [WhatsApp] *
We may send you Important Job Updates and Opporunities. to enable this ping us on following link
From where you get the information about our course? *
This is very Important to us to imrove reachout strategy for climate education, so please specify where do you exactly find about our course? please mention name or page or website from where you recieve our information. thank you.
Have You Used Advocate Code for your enrolment? *
if you don't have advocate code, please select option ''NO''
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