Each year the Colorado League accepts applications for new teams that are interested in participating with the League. Please take the time necessary to fill out this application for review.
New team applications for are due by June 15th.
Here is a general Fall Season Timeline:
March - August: Registration for Colorado League teams begins in March. Teams can register as late as August 15th. At this time anyone who intends to coach a team should register with the League so that they are covered under our insurance. League teams are limited to the number of weeks they can have pre-season practice. In addition, teams are not insured outside of these limits.
April 1 – July 15: Pre-season activities can commence limited activities on April 1st. Allowable pre-season activities are bike checks, fun rides, mechanical workshops or skills clinics. Between April 1 – and July 15, teams are allowed to have up to 8 scheduled pre-season activities.
July 15 - early November: Regular training practice (2-4 times a week) can commence on July 15th. All team rides or other training activities must end within two weeks of the final League race.
The Head Coach and/or Team Manager is required to be Wilderness First Aid and CPR certified. The Head Coach and/orTeam Manager is also required to complete a Level 2 license in the first year and a Level 3 license in the second year.
To participate in the current season, a registered level 2 coach is required on or before August 1. Once a Level 2 coach is registered on the team, rider registration may open.
Refer to all Coach License Level requirements here:
coloradomtb.org/coachesOnce you have completed the form you will receive a notification to edit form. If you select this option, then a new browser window will appear. From this window you may print a hard copy or PDF for future reference.
For information please visit
We are committed to making the Colorado League accessible to all that are interested in participating.
Thank you for your interest in getting more kids on bikes!