Creative Entrepreneurship Academy Conference: Business opportunities in digital culture
Creative Caucasus and Creative Estonia present Creative Entrepreneurship Academy (CEA) Online Conference: Business Opportunities in Digital Culture.

The CCI has been hit hard by the coronavirus around the globe. However, after the first shock, many of us have been using this crisis as a time for innovation and found some new ways to reach the audience and developed digital tools. All of a sudden theatres, museums and art galleries were closed, festivals and performances were cancelled.  How can you survive in a world like this?

The keyword is the adaptation and finding new ways of making money with your activities.

The invited keynote speaker will be David Parrish (the United Kingdom) - Creative industries well-known expert. David will explain what are the possible business models of culture to make money in digital environments. Martin Aadamsoo, the leader of the theme year, talks about what the year contained and what culture has already won from it.

The full agenda of the conference and the speakers' list will be announced shortly.

By coincidence, 2020 had been declared as a year of Digital Culture in Estonia.

Date & Time: Sept 22 12.00-14.30 (GMT+4)
                       Sept 23 12.00-14.30 (GMT+4)

Place: Zoom platform (link to be shared)

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