ForesTEEN OnlineTAG meeting
Sign up to this digital meeting and create a connection among teenagers and cultural workers from all over Europe.
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Date of birth  *
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Cultural organization/ theatre company 
How have you learned about this event? *
Please specify the name of the organization you received the info from, if different from Cultural Organization/theatre company mentioned above 
Which is the role you identify with, in your cultural ecosystem? *
Phone number
ForesTEEN project is a research project: please help us collecting opinions with our surveys.

OnlineTAG meeting is part of the activities organized by the 10 European partners for the ForesTEEN project. 
One of them, CNR (Italian Research Center), has the job to scientific monitor these activities.
For this reason, when participating in ForesTEEN events you will receive a link to fill in a survey:
if you are a TEEN (15-25) you will have to complete the survey twice: before and after attending the event. 
- if you are an ADULT, you will have to complete the survey just once: after attending the event. 

We thank you for your cooperation, which is important for the outcome of the research.

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Privacy policy UE Reg. 679/2016

1. Nature of the data

This information concerns the processing of personal data, meaning those common c.d. and/ or identifiers (such as: personal data, tax code, residence or home, telephone number, e-mail, fax, etc.)

3. Source of personal data

Personal data are those provided by the interested party through the google forms

4. Mandatory/optional provision of data

The provision of personal data by the interested party is necessary, as it is essential for Segni d'infanzia artistic and cultural association ETS to provide information on their activities.

5. Purpose of processing

The processing to which all the acquired data are subjected is aimed at making available to the Data Subject the services offered by Segni d'infanzia to organize the participation in the Festival of the operators concerned.

6. Methods of processing

The personal data of the interested party are also processed with automated tools for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected.

Your personal data may be disclosed to employees and collaborators, including external employees, who provide services instrumental to the above purposes (such as, for example, technical services for the management of information systems). These subjects will act as Data Processors or Data Processors. The data can be communicated to third parties (vd. Brevo/Sendinblue) who perform functions related to the newsletter service, even outside the national territory in the countries belonging to the EU in accordance with art. 42 d.lgs. 196 /2003 Privacy Code. Specific security measures are observed to prevent data loss, unlawful or incorrect use and unauthorized access.
7. Rights of the Data Subject

The subjects to whom the personal data refer have the right at any time to obtain the confirmation of the existence or not of the same data and to know their content and origin, verify their accuracy or request their integration or updating, or rectification (art. 7 Privacy Code). Pursuant to the same article you have the right to request the cancellation, or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, as well as to object in any case, for legitimate reasons, to their processing.

In order to exercise these rights, the interested party may submit a request by writing to Segni d'infanzia artistic and cultural association ETS, based in Mantua (46100), Via L.C. Volta, 9B or an e-mail to the following address or by calling 0376.752417.

8. Data controller

The data controller is: Segni d'infanzia artistic and cultural association ETS, based in Mantova (46100), Via L.C. Volta, 9B.
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