Miami University TRIO Upward Bound Referral & Reference Form

Miami University TRIO Upward Bound (MUUB) is a federally-funded college access program serving future first-generation college students and students from low-income households as established by federal guidelines annually. The program is open to Hamilton High School students, grades 9-12, who have an interest and ambition for pursuing a college degree. The program provides tutoring, supplemental instruction, test-preparation services, college and career advising and exploration opportunities, access to exciting cultural events, and community-based service and leadership education. The program is completely FREE for eligible participants.

Please use this from to submit a referral/reference for an interested student or student who may benefit from participation in the MUUB program.

For more information, please contact:

*Note: This form may be submitted more than once to refer multiple students.
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Your Name: *
Your Phone: *
Your relationship to the student: *
Your Employer (if applicable):
Your Professional Role/Title (if applicable):
Student First & Last Name *
Student Email Address (if known)
Student Phone (if known)
Student Grade (if known)
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Please describe why you are referring this student to the MUUB program and/or why and how they would benefit from participation in program services. *
How did you hear about the MUUB program? *
Would you/your organization like to schedule a MUUB information group presentation? *
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