CLC Vacations - Design your Vacation
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Email *
Which airport do you wish to depart from? *
Full name (as appears on passport) *
Full Address, City, Province, Postal Code *
Phone Number *
Date of Birth *
Preferred Dates of Travel *
How long do you wish to travel for? *
Destination(s) in mind *
Do you prefer; *
Do you prefer to; *
What did you like most about your last vacation *
What did you like least about your last vacation? *
Where was your last vacation? (City and Resort/Hotel) *
What are you most hoping for on this vacation *
What specific amenities are you hoping for?  Check any that apply and feel free to add to the list *
How many people are travelling with you? *
Ages of travellers at date of departure *
Estimated budget for this trip? *
Is there anything else I should know in order to select the best options for you?  (Examples could be airline preferences, room preferences, dietary or mobility restrictions etc.) *
How did you hear about us?
Please acknowledge that you understand pricing is NOT confirmed until booking, by typing your name below *
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