Tip Top Tots Early Learning Center Preliminary Hiring Questionnaire 
Please complete this form in its entirety. Once it's submitted please click the link to schedule a date and time to attend the hiring orientation
Email *
Name *
Email *
Phone number *
Which TTT location are you interested in working? (check all that apply) *
Tell me about yourself and your experience in a childcare setting or working with
Highest level of education (check all that apply) *
What are your short term goals? (one year from now) *
What are your long term goals? (five years from now) *
What is your preferred age group and what types of activities would you do with them? *
What do you enjoy most about working with children? *
What do you find most challenging about being a childcare worker and how do you
address these challenges?
Describe an experience you had dealing with a difficult person (parent or colleague) and
how did you handle the situation?
What is your favorite event or activity that you planned for children? What reaction did
you get from parents?
Why do you want to work in a childcare center? *
Why should we hire you? *
What is your availability?  *
What position are you interested in?(Select all that apply) *
We are required to do a state and FBI criminal background check, are you okay with
When are you available to start? *
Please provide three professional references for us to call or email: *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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