Laya Wellness Assessment
We believe that there is no one thing that makes a person either healthy or ill... we aim to produce wellness holistically. Holistic wellness is a means of living a healthy lifestyle that includes looking at the body as an entire system, and addressing its needs as a whole to prevent and in some cases balance dis-eases.

Our Assessment has changed a bit. We now use this assessment to create a Personalized Natural Supplement Plan. Based on your submission, we will choose your daily plan (in some cases you may require A.M. and P.M. supplements) and package in single servings. please choose all that apply and use the extra space to elaborate is necessary.
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Email *
If referred by an Organization, please choose which one.
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Name *
Birth Date *
Address *
Phone Number *
Emergency Contact *
Do you have a Health & Wellness account through your job? *
Symptom Check
Check any chronic symptoms that you may have. Elaborate if you need to and check any specific areas where necessary.
Abdominal Pain, Cramping *
If yes, choose one of the following.
Anal bleeding, itching, pain, swelling *
Back Pain *
Bad Breath *
Bleeding, menstrual, heavy or irregular *
Blinking, frequent *
Bloating *
Blood in sputum, vomit, urine, stools, or from vagina or penis *
Body Aches *
If yes, explain
Body odor *
Breast lumps *
If yes, explain
Breast tenderness *
Shortness of breath *
Bruising, easy *
Chest pain *
Chills *
Cold sweats *
Cough, persistent *
Delirium *
Disorientation *
Dizziness, light-headed *
Double vision *
Drooling *
Drowsiness *
Dry Mouth *
Eye problems *
Fever *
Gas, burping or other (explain either) *
Hands and/or feet, cold *
Headaches *
Mild, not often
Severe, quite often
Heartbeat, irregular or rapid *
Hot sweats, then chills *
Incontinence (urinary) *
Intercourse, painful *
Irritability, mood swings *
Sometimes, it depends
Often, very noticeable
Joint pain, swelling *
Leg pain *
Lymph nodes, swollen *
Mouth sores *
Muscles *
Nausea *
If yes, explain
Neck pain, stiffness *
No stiffness
Very stiff
Night sweats *
Numbness *
Pulse, weak
Seizure *
Swallowing, difficulty *
Hard to swallow
Sweating, excessive with no activity *
I never sweat
I'm always sweating
Swelling *
Thirst, excessive *
Tremors *
Urination, frequent *
Vaginal discharge, itching *
Weight gain
Weight loss
Wheezing *
Do you feel like you have too much energy, just enough energy, or low energy? *
Do you often feel tired? *
Do you often feel so wound up you cannot settle down i.e. fidgety, mind always going, pacing, feeling like you need to do something? *
Do you feel like you have enough energy each day to accomplish everything you want to do? *
How often do you exercise or engage in any physical activity? *
What type of job do you have? *
Are there certain situations, people, or places that you feel like they drain you?  For example, you feel fine before you interact, but feel drained afterward?
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Explain your idea of self care. *
Do you use your vacation and personal days at work to go on a vacation or take a break or do you use most of your vacation days because you are not feeling well? *
If you sometimes vacation and sometimes take sick days... how do you feel on vacation?
Do you take breaks to do something nice for yourself on a regular basis or do you tend to take breaks when you cannot avoid them anymore? *
Do you feel like you don’t have enough time to do something special for yourself? *
Do you often put the needs of others before your own? *
When was your last extended break or vacation? *
Do you end the week feeling like you have accomplished your goals? *
Do you feel like you need more time to accomplish your goals each week? *
Are you happy with your life, self, and the trajectory your life is going in?
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If no, what do you wish was better about your life?
Do you often end the year and realize that you did not meet a goal such as losing weight or other self-improvement goals? *
Do you feel stuck or like you cannot resolve a particular issue you deal with each year? *
How many hours do you typically sleep at night without waking up (please do not include instances of unusual outside interference such as baby crying, sudden noises, etc)? *
If you sleep more than 3 hours at a time but still wake up more than once during the night, is it due to noises or other interference?
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When you wake up in the morning do you feel well rested, relaxed, refreshed, and ready to start your day or do you feel like you need coffee or more sleep? *
Do you feel like you become irritable or agitated during the day often? *
Do you often lay awake when you try to sleep because your mind is racing? *
Do you feel like other people generally like you and have a positive outlook about you? *
Do you feel like people have a hard time getting along with you whether it is specific types of relationships like romantic, friendship, coworkers, or in general? *
Do you enjoy spending time alone or do you prefer going out with friends? *
Do you feel that you need to listen to music or watch TV at all times vs having time alone to sit in silence? *
Are your thoughts about yourself, life, and others generally positive? *
Do you feel energized, happy, and content after spending time with your friends, loved ones, and other close relationships in your life in general? *
Do you feel energized, happy, and content in general without any outside forces outside of self? *
Are you currently doing exactly what you want to do in your life right now (dreams, wishes, goals)? *
Do you often wish your life was different? *
Do you feel like amazing things happen in your life on a weekly basis?   *
Do you feel like your life is getting better with time, do you feel positive about your future? *
What medical concerns have you had or do you have at this time? *
Indicate if you have blood relatives with any of the following: *
Do you have any complaints about any of the following... *
Are there any complaints about something not listed above? Diagnosis?  If so, what?
Do you take any over the counter, prescription drugs, or supplements at this time? *
If yes, please list them here:
Do you use tobacco in any way? *
Did you recently stop smoking (within a year)? *
List any food allergies or intolerance: *
Do you follow a special dietary plan? *
If yes please select which one applies.
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Identify any foods that you particularly like. *
Have you ever followed a special diet? *
Do you have any problem purchasing the foods that you wish to buy? *
Do you eat at regular times each day? *
Do you drink alcohol? *
Would you like  for us to create a Nutritive Overview based on your chronic conditions? *
What changes would you like to make?
Please tell us any other information that you feel is relevant to your overall health.
Which of the following do you want more information about? *
Based on the text above, please tell us the amount of structure you believe meets your needs.
Thank you for your openness and willingness to share these personal things with us. We look forward to walking with you on this journey of a healthier and happier YOU! If you did not get a confirmation message after tapping 'Submit', it means that there is a *Required question left unanswered. Please make sure to answer all questions in order to receive a personal email from our Herbalist. Please note that this is not an automatic questionnaire. A REAL person will read your submission and give you customized information based on your very unique circumstances! This may take some time.
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