Conduct Report Form for Lakes of Fire
Please complete the following form to file an incident report with the Lakes of Fire Code of Conduct Committee. This form is intended to collect information about possible Code of Conduct violations within our community and will be used for record-keeping and to inform any potential followup and investigation, so be as thorough as possible. Anonymous reports cannot be followed up on, but will be retained for record-keeping purposes and potentially referenced during the investigation of related incidents.

All reports are assigned a case lead who will reach out via email to offer support and provide updates. If a report is actionable, the case lead will obtain consent from you, the reporter, about who they can speak to and how much can be shared during the investigation. Once we feel an adequate investigation has been made, the committee will discuss what actions should be taken and send their recommendations to the GLEA Board of Directors, who will make the final call on all cases. As it requires a board vote to close a case and take action, please expect this process to take some time.

Important to remember:

 -  All reports are encouraged, although we have limited ability to respond to reports existing outside the scope of Lakes of Fire. Additionally, we can only investigate first-hand reports, as we want to empower those directly affected and allow them the opportunity to choose if and when they want to disclose.  In order for us to investigate these incidents, the people impacted should contact us directly themselves, if and when they are ready to do so. However, we can document second-hand reports to connect incidents as needed.

- Please note that the committee meets twice a month and it may take multiple meetings to investigate and respond to reports. The committee does not meet for two weeks before and after the Lakes of Fire event. We appreciate your patience during the process.

- You can read more about our community standards at
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Your Name*
*While you may report anonymously, please keep in mind that doing so makes it impossible for the Conduct Committee to do any follow up on the incident, and thus no action can be taken as a direct result of this report. Anonymous reports can still be useful if they contain verifiable facts and can help indicate patterns, but are limited by our inability to follow up.
Burner Name*
*Please see above about reporting anonymously.
Please share your first-hand experiences in the report. If there are others involved that you would like us to hear from, please have them reach out via the code of conduct email ( or list them in your report and with your consent we will reach out to them.   *
Basis for reporting *
What happened? The amount of detail provided will help to determine how quickly we can come to a decision on your case.
Name of who you are reporting. *
Do you consent to the Code of Conduct Committee contacting the reported against? *
Date and Time of Incident *
An approximation is fine.
Location where the incident took place *
An approximation is fine, please include any theme camps involved if possible.
Can you identify those involved in the incident? *
Can you say, without a doubt that you know who this person/people were?
If those involved can be identified, please provide what you can of the following: Burn name, legal name, contact info, and theme camp affiliation *
Do you consent to the Code of Conduct Committee reaching out to all of the involved individuals listed?  *
If allowed to speak to others, do you wish to remain anonymous? And if so to who?
Were there any witnesses/bystanders? *
What resolution do you hope for? *
(Examples: No action just informing, Rangers/BoD talk to other(s) involved, they stay away from complainant, ejecting/banning them) This does not guarantee this action will be taken, however it gives us an idea of the goal you wish to accomplish.
It is important to know that while the Code of Conduct Committee and Lakes of Fire will do their best to maintain confidentiality of reports, it is possible that anything reported to us may become discoverable in legal proceedings. *
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