Eindtoets Present Perfect & Present Perfect Continuous
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Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous?
Bij de eerste 5 zinnen moet je aangeven of de zin in de Present Perfect staat of in de Present Perfect Continuous.
I have been writing a lot of Haiku lately.
1 point
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They haven't lived here for years.
1 point
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She has been walking around all day.
1 point
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I have worked hard this last month
1 point
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The snow has been falling down without pause.
1 point
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Fill in the gap
Fill in the correct form in the gaps using the Present Perfect.
She ........(catch) a spider.
1 point
The eggs ...... (hatch).
1 point
I ...... (rob) a bank.
1 point
We ...... (mis) the bus.
1 point
You ....... (work) here for 5 years in total.
1 point
Fill in the gap
Fill in the correct form in the gaps using the Present Perfect Continuous.
I ....... (study) German for 2 years.
1 point
How long ......(live) here?
1 point
They ..... (waiting) for an answer for weeks.
1 point
Recently, I (feel) really happy!
1 point
Someone  ...... (use) my toothbrush.
1 point
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