NACA Newsflash Member Inputs 
NACA Newsflash is an important communication medium between the NACA and its members. Please submit or send anything relevant updates (e.g., good news of tenure and promotion, publications, research grants, important events) that you want to share with NACA Members. The information you will provide will be exclusively used for the publication of Newsflash.  We won't publish anything without your permission.
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1. Major Accomplishments  
Please list your publications, grants & awards, and other updates (2023 Jan - now)
1.1. Publications
Publications, including peer-reviewed journal articles, books, book chapters, conference proceedings, and op-eds. Please present them in the APA reference style, which can be found at: Please provide the the link to the abstract and also the full  paper if it's available for free. 
1.1.1. Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
1.1.2. Books and Book Chapters
1.1.2/1 Please provide a brief (around 100 words) summary of each of your article/book/book chapter that can be easily understood by non-technical audience.
1.1.3. Research Reports/Working Papers/Conference Proceedings
1.1.4. Popular News Media/Op-eds (include links)
1.2. Research Grants and Awards
1.3. Do you have any update on your job? New appointment or promotion since January 2022.
2. Opportunities
Please list the relevant job and collaboration opportunities that you are aware of. These should include the opportunities that you think worth sharing with NACA members.
2.1.  Job opportunities: Academic jobs, post-docs, research jobs- beneficial to NACA members, and students and academic/research professionals from Nepal.
2.2. Collaboration opportunities (books, grants, journal special issues, conferences, research collaboration) that would be useful for fellow NACA members.
3. Nepal Corner:  Any news updates (appointments, research opportunities, grants) as well as policy changes affecting higher education and research in Nepal that could be relevant to NACA members. Please provide the news link for more information.
4. Nepal Connection: Do you have any current activities in Nepal (funded or unfunded  projects), such as research, educational and outreach,  that you would like to share with NACA members and others?  Please provide a summary of the project (around half page).
5. Do you have any additional information and suggestions for the Newsflash team?
Thank you for your time!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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