Today’s Women Doctors in Leadership: characteristics, experiences and needs across Europe
Dear Colleague,

Women physicians represent a huge part in the healthcare sector but they still face discrimination and obstacles in career opportunities, as well as difficult working conditions in term of equity,welfare and leadership. Although their challenges are well documented, little is known regarding how to provide women physicians with an effective support.

This qualitative research, developed in collaboration with Università Politecnica delle Marche – Italy, aims to investigate the features of women doctors working in leadership positions , around Europe and to collect ideas and good practice in their experience.

Their experiences will be the basis to develop training programs and practical proposals to enhance their role, their leadership abilities and their work environment in the public healthcare sector.

Please, fill in the following questionnaire (tick the multiple choice questions) and feel free to answer the open questions in your own native language. 
Questionnaire is ANONYMOUS. 

If you are interested in the results of our qualitative research, please do not hesitate to contact dott.ssa Alessandra Spedicato to the following address

Thanks in advance for your helpful and precious collaboration,

Kind Regards

Alessandra Spedicato – Head of Anaao Assomed Delegation FEMS
What is your age?
In which country do you work?
Are you in a committed relationship?
Do you have children?
If yes, how many?
What is your job position?
How long have you been in this job position?
What is your specialty training? (e.g., Cardiology, Psychiatry, Public Health etc)
Now that you are in a leading position
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