Youth Action For Health is a youth-led, youth-attended coalition in Fort Collins advocating for the voices of teens across Northern Colorado! We meet every Wednesday from 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM at the Teen Activity Center (TAC 212), or 212 W Mountain Ave. Each meet up provides all attendees with $15 payment and a free dinner. If you RSVP now, you can vote on our meal.

For future updates, and to be more involved in our group, please feel free to join our GroupMe: https://groupme.com/join_group/84659899/sTxTYMfh

If you have trouble finding the location, please call or email our adult partner Destiny, (970) 698-7269 or destinyd@tcffo.org, so we can help you out.
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Name (First And Last) *
Will you be attending YAH on March 12th? *
What restaurant should we order from? *
Do you have any allergies or dietary restrictions?
Liability/Publicity Release Form
Please have you, and your parents, fill out this release form in order to participate in YAH at TAC212! You only need to fill this form out once and will not need to fill one out each meet up: https://form.jotform.com/231205046011032
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