Tell us about your Frontier experience!
Thank you for being a part of Consumer Reports' Frontier call action.

If you were able to complete a call to Frontier's customer service line, tell us how it went. We’re looking for stories and feedback that will fuel our efforts in the fight to eliminate hidden fees and push companies to advertise the full price of their service so that consumers can effectively comparison shop.

Thanks!  We look forward to hearing about your experience.

Kimberly Fountain
What The Fee Organizer

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First Name *
Last Name *
Primary Phone Number
City/State *
Zip Code *
Did you urge Frontier to stop the sneaky router fee immediately? *
If yes, what was their response?
Did you try to negotiate with Frontier to get a lower price? *
If yes, describe your experience. (note: If you also have your own router, please describe their response to charging you for your own equipment)
Do you have your own router? *
If yes, did you check your cable bill to confirm that they are charging you this fee anyway?
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Did you mention that you are thinking of cutting the cord? *
If yes, was their any additional response from the customer service agent? Please describe the response
If you are considering cutting the cord, what is holding you back?
How many times have you called Frontier's customer service in the past year for technical support? *
Is there anything else about this experience that you would like to share?
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