Add my student to Pinnacle's Waiting List
Filling out this form does not guarantee your students' enrollment, not all grade have openings. 
Student are accepted on a first come, first serve basis, current families taking precedence. 

Follow up calls will be made in AUGUST of each upcoming school year.
(This list is CLEARED & RESTARTED in March of each school year) 

Please refill out the form to remain on our waitlist. 
Other questions please contact the school 435-613-8102
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Email *
Student Status *
Students that are not currently enrolled or that did not confirm they were returning will be added to the waiting list.
Which School/District is your student/s currently attending? *
Today's Date *
Student Legal Last Name *
Student Legal First Name *
Student Birthdate *
Student Grade for the upcoming school year. *
I have another student *
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