2023 SS-ASPB Abstract Submission
Abstract submission form
Deadline for Abstract Submission has been Extended to midnight EST March 15, 2023

If you have any issues with this form please contact Aaron Rashotte rashotte@auburn.edu
Abstracts must be submitted on-line. Please do not e-mail abstracts.

You will receive a notice that your submission has been submitted.

You can edit your abstract until the deadline.

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Email *
Presenter's First Name *
Presenter's Last Name *
Presenter's e-mail *
Presenter's Affiliation *
Presenter Category *
Presentation Category *
Do you wish this abstract to be considered for a talk? *
Title of abstract: Please use upper and lower case and capitalize each word, except for words such as "the, as, of, with, a, in, and, from, by, etc.". *
Authors. List author names in order, including presenter,  as last name, first name, name, department(s) and institution(s) affiliation, city, and country. Avoid degrees and titles. Separate each name with a semicolon (;).  Indicate the presenter with an * Example: Doe*, Jane, Biochemistry Department, Great University of Plant Biology, Anytown, USA; Hahn, Kei, Plant Biology, University of Great Science, Dauphin Island, USA; Wright,  Joe, Biochemistry Department, Great University of Plant Biology, Anytown, USA *
Abstract 1500 character limit (~250 words).  Do not include any graphics or tables in the abstract. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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