Important: Carlton Oaks Junior Golf Academy SIGN-UP FORM
Sign-up Form and Notice of Limitations / Allergies, etc. (if you have more than 1 child you would like to enroll, please fill-out a separate form for each child)
Email *
Child's FIRST Name *
Child's LAST Name *
Child's Date of Birth (if you have trouble inputting the answer here, skip to next question where you can Type in the answer)
Child's Date of Birth (if you had trouble above, please type your Child's Date-of-Birth here)
Child's current AGE *
Parent #1 - FIRST Name *
Parent #1 - LAST Name
Parent #1 - Cell-Phone #
Parent #1 - Email address:
Parent #2 - FIRST Name
Parent #2 - LAST Name
Parent #2 - Cell-Phone #
Parent #2 - EMAIL
EMERGENCY Contact #1 NAME (First, Last) *
EMERGENCY Contact #1 Cell-phone #
EMERGENCY Contact #1 Email
EMERGENCY Contact #1 Relationship to Child (Grandparent_Family friend_etc.)
Special Instructions / Limitations. PLEASE LET US KNOW ABOUT ANY:
 1) *Physical Limitations?
 2) *Allergies?
 3) *Any other issues regarding your child we need to know?
If NONE please type "NONE" or "NA" (for Not Applicable)
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