Leave of Absence Request
This form needs to be completed with 15 days notice otherwise requests may be declined

Term Time Holidays

Following a change in the law in September 2013, schools can no longer authorise any leave during term unless it is for 'exceptional circumstances'.  Any application for 'leave of absence' must be made at least 15 school days before the absence commences and the decision to authorise such an absence remains entirely with the school and is not a right.

The Piggott School does not expect any parents to request leave of absence for students to take a family holiday during school term unless there are really exceptional circumstances.

If parents remove students from school for long visits overseas, the school may seek to remove the student concerned from the school roll, in consultation with the Education Welfare Officer.  

Retrospective requests for leave of absence will not be granted and the absence will be recorded as unauthorised.

Please note:

Any requests received for absences that are scheduled to take place during any school or public examination period or during a controlled assessment will be declined.

The local authority may choose to issue a fixed penalty notice to any parent who opts to take their child out of school for 5 or more days during term time and without consent from the school. 
Please be aware that if holidays are taken without approval, this information will be passed to our Education Welfare Officer.  Taking an unauthorised holiday is a Criminal Offence and may result, depending on the circumstances of each case, in either a Penalty Notice being issued or Prosecution in the Magistrates Court.

A Penalty Notice may be issued without further warning. Payment of a Penalty Notice within 21 Days is £60, between 22 and 28 days is £120. Penalty Notices are issued to each parent, per child.

However, if a penalty notice is not paid then the Parents may be prosecuted in the Magistrates Court. In some cases, a Penalty notice will not be offered at all and the matter referred immediately for Prosecution.

In the Court the penalty is a fine of up to £1000 and a Criminal Record.
More information can be found on the Wokingham Borough Council website or from the Education Welfare Service

Previous excellent attendance does not necessarily entitle a student the right to a leave of absence
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1. Student name
2.Tutor group
3. Name of any siblings & school attended
4. I hereby request that leave of absence be granted to the above named student from (please enter first date of absence):

5. With a return date to school of:
6. Please confirm your request by entering the number of days' absence below.
7. The reason for this absence during term time is:
8. I understand that each request will be looked at on an individual basis before authorization can be considered and that i may be asked to provide evidence to support this request.

9. I understand that this form must be returned at least 15 school days prior to the absence
10. I have read and understood that the local authority may issue a fixed penalty notice

11. Please type your name and parent/Guardian status to complete your request

12. Parent/Guardian email address
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