NPDL 2023 Nationals Protest Form
If a debater thinks there has been a violation of the NPDL Round Rules, they should do the following immediately after the round is completed:

1. Contact their Coach or Chaperone (“Coach”) and discuss the issue.
2. Review the NPDL Round Rules with their coach and determine if there was a protestable violation. Subsections that are grounds for a protest are marked with an asterisk.
3. If their Coach agrees there was a protestable violation, the Coach should use this Google Form to provide details of the alleged offense for the Protest Committee to review. Only a Coach (or tournament staff) may file a protest (see XIII.1.A).

Subsections not marked with an asterisk and other issues that do not affect the outcome of the round are not handled by the Protest Committee, but may be referred to the Equity Committee.
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Email *
What is your name? *
What is your school? *
What is your role? *
Note: protests must be filed by the debaters' Coach or Chaperone.
What is the best way to contact you?  Please provide a phone number and/or email (preferably both) *
Please name the team lodging the protest. *
Please indicate the round in which the issue arose. *
Name of Judge(s) *
Please select the applicable rule or rules that apply to the protest--check all that apply.

Note:  Only violations of the listed section of the NPDL Round Rules justify a protest.
Please provide a description of the issue. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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