Apply to Table at the Ashland Library Mini Ren Faire 2024
Hello! We're so excited about our first ever Mini Ren (Renaissance) Faire at the Ashland Library! If you've ever been to one, you know our community is in for a treat. If you've never been to one, well, you're in for a treat! Learn more about Ren Faires here: Please read all of the following information and instructions carefully before applying. 

The Faire will be on Saturday, May 4th from 10-4pm (or thereabouts). 
  • It will be located at the Farmer's Market Field on Front St (across from the library) and, if the weather is bad, we'll be moving aspects into the library for the most part. 
  • Space is limited and we have certain parameters we'll be looking for (we do not know the limit yet as we'll be bringing in Ren Faire "pros" as well). 
  • We'll be choosing vendors with an eye to offer the widest range of experiences for our patrons. 
  • This is an event for all ages, so we'll be looking for family friendly vendors. 
  • We do ask that you bring your own 6 ft tables and, in case of inclement weather, a tent (you can bring more tables to make a square, though). 
  • There is no fee for you to join us. 
  • And, your company/organization name will be included in the promotional materials that we create for this event (depending on the size of the material), including social media graphics. We will share all graphics with you to share to your fans, as well. 
The Library Board of Trustees has agreed to allow vendors to sell their wares at this specific event.

Applications for the Faire are due by March 15th and we'll be notifying people if they've been accepted soon after. 

The purpose of our Faire is not only to have fun (which we will have plenty of) but also to educate the public (in a fun way) about life in the Medieval world. To that end, we invite you to apply to table at the Faire. The specific elements that we're looking for are:
  1. Are you and your staff willing to come in Medieval costume? 
  2. Do you have something that you can sell/show but also teach or demonstrate?
  3. How aligned is your product to the theme of the day? 
  4. Food vendors are welcome to apply - because it's a mini faire, we'd love to have "mini turkey legs" meaning chicken drumsticks :). But, since food has to be in limited spaces in the library, any food vendors would have to be outside under a tent if the weather is bad. 
  5. We cannot have alcohol at a Library program
If you have questions, feel free to email me at

Thank you for your interest and we look forward to hearing from you!
Meena Jain
Ashland Library Director

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Your Name *
Your email *
Phone Number *
Mostly to be used on the day of, if needed.
Company or Business *
Your business location *
Full address please
What would you be selling at the Faire? *
What would you be teaching or demonstrating at the Faire? *
Who would be doing the selling/teaching? *
How is your product aligned to the theme of the day?
What age range are your products geared towards?  *
Check all that apply
Are you willing to wear a Medieval Costume to the Faire *
Including your staff
Can you bring a 6 ft table table to the Faire? *
Can you bring a tent to the Faire if needed?
Clear selection
If the weather is bad, would you be willing to be outside under a tent? *
If you are a Food Vendor, are you safe serv certified? *
We will be applying for a food permit for the event, but this is information we'll need to know. 
If you are a Food Vendor, what do you propose to sell?
Can you commit to the full day at the Faire? *
Any final comments that you'd like to share with us? 
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