US School and Library Board Database
We're building a database of every school and library board across the country. With your help, we can create a tremendous resource for citizens to be informed and prepared for local elections, as well as create tools for those eager to be part of their local boards.

You may not find all of the information and that's okay. If you feel like doing additional schools or libraries near you in addition to your own, feel free. Duplicates will be standardized as we organize the information on the backend.

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Your State
Your County
Your City
Your School District
Your School District's Website
How Is Your School Board Created
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How Many People Sit on Your School Board
How Long Are Their Terms? (i.e., 2 years, 3 years)
List Each Current Board Spot and Who Holds It, Along With Their Term (Example-- Board President: Jenny Patel, 2020-2023).
(If Applicable): When Are Elections For The Board?
Your Public Library
Your Public Library's Website
How Many People Sit on Your Library Board
How Is Your Library Board Created
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How Long Are Their Terms? (i.e., 2 years, 3 years)
List Each Current Board Spot and Who Holds It, Along With Their Term (Example-- Board President: Jenny Patel, 2020-2023).
(If Applicable): When Are Elections For The Board?
Any other information you'd like to add
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