This is just a few questions I want you to answer honestly and APPROPRIATELY!! It is simply to help me better understand you and to help you do better in the classroom. For each question please be honest. I will be the only one to see it. Please be specific as possible because this is a COMPLETION grade!!!!!  If you give honest and truthful answers you will receive a 100 quiz grade, if you do not it will be a zero!
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Name *
What period do I have Ms. Logsdon *
What is going on? In a few sentences tell me one important or exciting thing that is happening in your life (outside of school). *
In a few sentences, tell me one thing you enjoy about our classroom. *
What are somethings you would like to see changed in our classroom? *
What are somethings that YOU (or your friends) could change about how you behave in the class? *
What are somethings that I(Ms. Logsdon) could change about the classroom? *
Besides tangible objects (clothes, shoes, money, food,etc.) what would make you come to school? Or what would make you work harder in my classroom? *
How do you communicate with your parents/guardians? *
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