Welcome to the Round 14 Self Pleasure Modality Certification Application!

We are excited to support you on this transformative journey into deeper intimacy, embodiment, and personal growth! 

To see if this course is truly aligned with your path and a "full body YES" for you, we invite you to complete the application form below. Once finished, you’ll have the opportunity to book a call with our team via the Calendly link provided at the end of the form.

We can’t wait to connect and explore how this course can support your expansion! 🌟


Elizabeth Willis

Director of The Institute of New Paradigm Intimacy

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Email *
Application Date *
Name *
Mobile Number *
Country *
What inspires you to step into the role of a sexuality leader, and how do you envision making an impact in this field? *
What motivates you to explore and work within the realms of sexuality? *
What qualifications do you currently hold? *
Have you encountered any experiences of trauma? If so, how have you navigated and processed this in your healing journey? *
Are you currently on any prescription medications? *
If we determine that this program is the right fit for you, a $600 deposit will be required to secure your place. Are you ready to make this investment to begin your journey? Please select from the options below. *
After having thoroughly researched our website and exploring our social media platforms, do you have any further questions about the certification? *
How did you hear about this course?
If you spoke with anyone who guided you to this application, please provide their name (if applicable).
Social Media Platform & Handle *
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