We deliver eggs, chickens and several other items to your door twice per month. The deliveries are usually around the 1st and the 15th, but can vary due to holidays and other scheduling conflicts. You do not need to be home at the time of delivery, many people just leave a cooler with an ice pack on the front porch. You can place an order anytime before 6am on delivery day. You can also change your order by resubmitting the form. The most recent version will be used when we load up that morning. The name, phone number and address fields are required, but the rest of the fields are drop down boxes for selecting the quantity you would like. They all default to zero so you only need to select the ones you want. There is a comment section at the bottom for special requests, delivery instructions or anything else you want to tell us.
Don't forget to hit the submit button at the bottom of this form.