New Member Order Form
We deliver eggs, chickens and several other items to your door twice per month. The deliveries are usually around the 1st and the 15th, but can vary due to holidays and other scheduling conflicts. You do not need to be home at the time of delivery, many people just leave a cooler with an ice pack on the front porch. You can place an order anytime before 6am on delivery day. You can also change your order by resubmitting the form. The most recent version will be used when we load up that morning. The name, phone number and address fields are required, but the rest of the fields are drop down boxes for selecting the quantity you would like. They all default to zero so you only need to select the ones you want. There is a comment section at the bottom for special requests, delivery instructions or anything else you want to tell us.

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Name *
Phone number *
Email (if unable to receive texts at phone #)
Address for deliveries *
Eggs $6 per dozen
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Plastic Egg Cartons - $4     These plastic egg cartons will better protect your eggs in the refrigerator and reduce waste. on delivery day, we will just swap your eggs into these cartons and take the paper carton back to fill it for the next customer.
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Whole chicken $4.25 per pound (frozen) These will usually be 4.5 to 6 lbs. Please let us know in the comment section approximately what size you would like and we will try to accommodate your request as closely as our available stock allows.
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Chicken breast pack $10
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Chicken leg and thigh pack $15
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Chicken Wing Pack $10
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CMF Koozie $5
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Nesting Material Pack $15 ------- These nesting packs make great Christmas gifts. They include a suet cage packed with alpaca fleece and 2 refills. When the wild birds return in the spring this quickly becomes a favorite source of nest material. Hang these near your bird feeder and you will get to see all your new neighbors as they start building their new homes. Add $5 for shipping if you you are outside of our delivery area.
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Alpaca fleece 2 refill pack for the nesting material basket $8 (pictured on the right, cage not included). Add $3 for shipping if you are outside of our delivery area.
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Sassy's Elderboost 16oz bottle $20
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Dryer Balls $20 ----- These dryer balls are about the size of tennis balls and come in a pack of three. They are made from 100% alpaca fleece so they are chemical free and hypoallergenic. Just toss them in the dryer instead of using dryer sheets or fabric softener. They will reduce drying time while also reducing static and wrinkles. For your own custom scent add a drop or two of essential oils. Add $3 for shipping if you are outside of our delivery area.
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Bellephant $75 ------- Ashley made this cute little elephant 100% from Belle's fleece. She stands 5 inches tall and has many little details that will make you smile. Add $5 for shipping if you are outside of our delivery area.
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Sleepy Bunny $50 ------- Ashley made Sleepy Bunny from a combination of fleece from Janky, Lucille and Baybea. She is 4 inches long and very soft. Add $5 for shipping if you are outside of our delivery area.
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Do you wish to participate in our compost bucket program? (We bring you a bucket for vegetable waste and other compostable items. At every delivery we exchange the bucket for a fresh one and then use that material in our compost piles to help improve soil quality on our farm while keeping it out of the landfill.)
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