🐾 Welcome to Scooby Tracks 🐾

I’m Kelly, owner of Daphne, Mum of three, and I started Scooby Tracks so I could combine my
love of all things outdoors, with my love of dogs. I am also a vet and continue to work part time in
clinical practice. Hopefully this means for my clients, that you’ll have the additional reassurance of my expertise in all things dog-related, and that they’ll be in extra safe hands.

What we offer
  1. We provide a fully insured, council registered, and first aid trained service (with additional kit onboard for any minor mishaps!)
  2. I am happy to walk dogs in groups or individually
  3. Pick up and drop off service
  4. Available for West and South Edinburgh
Pricing - Individual - £20  Group - £16 
Two dogs from the same household - £25

I'd love to walk your dog but in order to provide the best service possible I need to ask a few questions  
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What's your name? *
What's your email address? *
What's your phone number? *
What's your dogs name? *
What's your dogs breed? *
What gender is your dog? *
What type of dog walk are you looking for? *
How sociable is your dog? *
Really comfortable around other dogs
Very reactive in groups
Is your dog insured? *
What Vet is practice is your dog registered? *
How many dog walks per week? *
Please feel free to ask me any other questions here.
How did you find out about Scooby Tracks *
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