2025 Big Red Camps - General Scholarship Application
We want to make Big Red Camps an opportunity for all youth. We are able to offer a limited number of General Scholarships - 100% of total cost paid, 50% of total cost paid, $200 discount, and $100 discount. Please note that additional scholarships may be available for specific camps and may have a separate application processes.

All scholarships must be awarded prior to registering for camp! Any scholarships awarded after the registration process will not be applied to current registration. Scholarships are for camp registration fees only and do not cover the cost of transportation or other expenses.

We encourage you to be THOUGHTFUL and THOROUGH, GENUINE and HONEST in answering the scholarship application questions (paragraphs preferred, not a few sentences). A selection committee will review all applications submitted on a continuing basis starting in February 2025, and select top applicant(s) to award funds to prior to the early bird registration deadline. Camp scholarships are applied prior to the registration process as scholarship recipients are given a code to automatically discount a portion or the full cost when registering. 

Scholarship recipients, as with all other campers, are expected to abide by Big Red Camps rules and requirements, including the Nebraska 4-H Code of Conduct. If any recipients are found in violation, at any time, will forfeit their scholarship and be expected to pay the registration amount in full.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Street Address *
City *
Zip Code *
Name of School *
G.P.A. *
CURRENT Grade Level *
Are you a 4-H member? If so, how many years have you been a member? *
What Big Red Camp are you planning to attend? *
How do you think you will benefit from attending this Big Red Camp? *
Why have you chosen the specific camp you have chosen? *
How will you share what you have learned at this Big Red Camp with others? *
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