ABS 2018 Symposium (Invited Paper Session/Workshop) Proposal Form
The time has now passed for the 2017 symposium proposals. This is the form for the 2018 proposals.

If you have any questions, please contact the ABS Program Officer Dr Mark Hauber (markehauber@gmail.com)

The deadline to submit this form is May 31, 2017
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What type of event are you proposing
All other questions will mention symposium but use this same form for Invited Paper Sessions and Workshops, too, please.
Your name (first, last) please
Your email address, please
Your full institutional affiliation
The type and year of your terminal degree please (e.g., PhD, 2002)
Title of your symposium for 2017 ABS (12 words or less)
Executive summary for your symposium (250 words or less)
Please list first name, last name (and in brackets, the type and year of the terminal degree and current institutional affiliation) of your co-organizers
E.g. Mark Hauber (PhD 2002, Dept. Psychology, Hunter College). As in all ABS activities, we seek to represent diversity and gender parity in both of the list of organizers and the list of proposed speakers
Please list first name, last name (and in brackets, the type and year of the terminal degree and current institutional affiliation; and whether they have agreed or considering to participate) of your proposed participants.
E.g. Mark Hauber (PhD 2002, Dept. Psychology, Hunter College, agreed). As in all ABS activities, we seek to represent diversity and gender parity in both of the list of organizers and the list of proposed speakers
Any other comments on the list or the topic for consideration of the program officers and the committee, please?
E.g. Mark Hauber (PhD 2002, Dept. Psychology, Hunter College, agreed). As in all ABS activities, we seek to represent diversity and gender parity in both of the list of organizers and the list of proposed speakers
Please note that the decisions will be made by the executive committee in August at the 2016 ABS meeting
Please let us know if you have any special considerations. Thanks!
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