School Supply Drive Host Sign-Up Form

Join YCCA in supporting local students by hosting a School Supply Drive at your organization or business! Many families in our community struggle to afford basic school supplies, and your participation can make a significant difference in ensuring that every child has the tools they need to succeed in school.

Desired Supplies:

Please consider collecting the following NEW items:

  • Notebooks
  • Pencils
  • Pens
  • Erasers
  • Glue Sticks
  • Crayons
  • Markers
  • Calculators
  • Backpacks

Deadline to Deliver Supplies:

All donations must be dropped off at the YCCA Family Resource Center (1200 Anna Street, West Sacramento, CA 95605) no later than June 28.

Thank you for considering this opportunity to give back to our community and support local students in their educational journey!

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Organization/ Business Name *
Contact Person *
Contact Email Address *
Contact Phone Number *
Address where Donations will be Received *
Dates of the Drive: *
By checking the box below, I acknowledge that our organization understands the guidelines and agrees to ensure that all donations are dropped off at the YCCA Family Resource Center (1200 Anna Street, West Sacramento, CA 95605) no later than June 28.
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