Group Tour Interest Sheet
Thank you for your interest to have a group tour here at Hutchinson Community College.

Please request group visits at least three weeks in advance.  Group tours will be no more than two hours in length.  Group tours are provided during Monday through Friday if available.

Group tours may consist of:

* Tour of Main Campus
* Admissions presentation
* Student panel (question/answer session) if Student Ambassadors are available.

Thank you,

Hutchinson Community College Admissions Office

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Name of Group: *
Contact persons name: *
Contact persons email address: *
Contact persons best phone number: *
What is the grade level of the Students attending? *
What is the number of the Students attending? *
What is the number of the Staff that will be  attending?  (We would like one staff member for every ten students) *
What is the possible date you would like to visit? (Dates are not guaranteed)  Again we would request at least 3 weeks notice. *
If first date is not available please provide alternative date? *
What is the possible time you would like to visit? (Times are not guaranteed) *
How long do you want to be on campus?  (not guaranteed but used for tour set up)  Reminder tours will not be longer than 3 total hours. *
Are you interested in eating lunch on campus?  (You are responsible for the cost of lunch) *
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