Registration form for physical attendance - SEA-EU Teaching Staff Week - "Course Assistants and Peer Coaches Training" - Kiel, 14 - 16 November 2023

Please fill in this form to register to the Teaching Staff Week before the 15th of September 2023.

Thank you and see you soon in Kiel!

If you have any question, please contact Quentin Sohet (SEA-EU Office – training and education coordinator) –  and Isabel Murillo Wilstermann (member of the Department of Teaching Development) –
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First name *
Last name *
email address  (by providing your email address, you agree on its use in the sole context of this teaching staff week (e.g. collective mails)). *
Gender (for reporting purposes): *
From which university are you visiting? *
Your position / main duties within the university:  *
Do have previous experience with SEA-EU? (e.g. mobility, teaching, meetings, ...)
Do you have any experience with training courses for students who perform teaching or coaching tasks? If so, please describe it briefly.
Please describe the intended goal of your participation in the Teaching Staff Week on Course Assistants and Peer Coaches training.
Any diet restriction and/or logistical information to share with us?
I consent to be on the Teaching Staff Week attendance list (name, university, department and email address), which will be distributed during the event among the participants. *
I agree that photos / videos may be taken during the event for dissemination purposes. 
If known, arrival + departure date & time: 
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