Restech: Practice Building Marketing Materials  (U.S. Customers only)
Please use this form to order the Restech Dx-pH System + Stretta marketing materials needed for your office. Every practice has different needs, and we would like to provide the tools that are best suited to YOUR practice. Please take a moment to order what you need and provide suggestions on other items you would like us to consider developing.

Unfortunately, free shipping is only available for U.S. Customers. International customers are welcome to e-mail us at for a quote (materials are free, but shipping is not). Or, please contact your distributor for further information.

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Stretta Exam Room Poster
Captionless Image
Stretta Patient Brochure
Captionless Image
Laminated LES Improvement pre/post Stretta
Captionless Image
Dx-pH Text Exam Room Poster
Captionless Image
Dx-pH Test Patient Brochure
Captionless Image
Please leave us your suggestions for additional items you'd like us to create!
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