Class-6,Globe Latitudes and Longitudes
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Q1) The total number of parallels across the globe is *
1 point
Q2) The total number of meridians across the globe is *
1 point
Q3) Northern half of the earth is known as the _____ and the southern half is known as the__________. *
1 point
Q4) The frigid zone lies near *
1 point
Q5) The Prime Meridian passes through *
1 point
Q6) What is a globe? *
1 point
Q7) What are meridian or longitude? *
1 point
Q8) Why does the Torrid Zone receive maximum amount of heat? *
1 point
Q9) Equator is an *
1 point
Q10) The Standard Meridian of India is 82 degree 30 *
1 point
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