WhatsOn survey
At whatsOn our key values are diversity, equality, participation and solidarity, and as part of this we would like
to hear from our readers. By hearing from you we can make sure WhatsOn is giving you exactly what you want!
Just fill out the form here and post it back to us, or fill out and submit at whatson.guide. By filling in all the details you will be entered into a competition to win an exclusive WhatsOn T-shirt!

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1. Sex *
2. Age Group
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3. Status *
4. Occupation *
5. What qualifications do you have or are studying for? *
6. Which political party will you vote for in the future?
7. Are you a member of a political party? *
8. How often do you go to the
Per Week
Per Month
Per Year
Music Gigs
Art Exhibitions
Pubs Bars
Night Clubs
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9. Where did you pick up this copy of WhatsOn?
10. Where are the places you go in the question 10?
11. Which magazine do you usually read?
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12. Where do you usually pick up/buy a copy of these?
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13. Which parts of WhatsOn did you enjoy the most? *
14. Which parts of WhatsOn did you dislike the most? *
15. What do you want to see more of in WhatsOn? *
16. Are you going to buy WhatsOn again? *
17. What social media channels do you use? *
18. Full Name *
19. Address
20. Postal Code
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