Research a Culture
Choose a culture other than your own and research the specific beliefs, values, traditions, and traits of that culture. When you are choosing a culture try to be specific since there will be a lot of variation within cultures (ex. Bavarian Culture, instead of just “German Culture”). Once you have your culture answer the questions below.
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1. Culture Chosen: *
2. Research and find out five specific cultural traits that are unique to that culture. For each one explain how it is a reflection of the values of the cultural group. Use information from the notes Culture: A Sociological Look to give you an idea of what types of traits you should be examining. *
3. Analyze the culture to find out what are the major similarities and differences between the culture you researched and the culture you are a part of. Explain two of the similarities, and two of the differences *
4. Cite your sources of where you found the information about the culture you researched.
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