YAPA Kids Program Sign Up Request Form
Welcome to YAPA Kids! If you are interested in joining one of our exciting and enriching classes, which are aimed towards students in grades 1 to 8 and are free of charge, please fill out this form. You may sign up your child for as many class as you like, but please consider the time and effort your child will be expected to put in attending these classes. We recommend students to take no more than 5 classes at a time. To sign your child up for more than one class, just fill out this form multiple times; one time for each class. Please make sure that the classes you want to sign your child up for do not collide with the times of other classes they might sign up for.

Submitting this form does not immediately enter your student into the program that you selected, but instead they are placed on a wait list. As soon as there is an available space and they are off the waitlist, we will let you and your student know. You will receive a confirmation email from each program when the student is formally accepted. Please remember that all class meetings are in Pacific Time (PT). More information can be found on our website at yapakids.org. If you are having any trouble filling out this form, please let us know by filling out this form: bit.ly/yapakidshelp. We're looking forward to working with you and your student! Thank you!
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Email *
Please confirm your email address. (Some of our emails may go into your spam folder, so please be sure to check your spam folder!) *
Please provide another email address. (Note: we will only use this email address if we are unable to get ahold of you through your main email address.)
Parent Full Name (First + Last) *
Student Email Address (if different from parent email address above)
Student Full Name (First + Last) *
School Name *
Grade (2024-2025 school year) *
If you are in high school and looking to volunteer, please go to tinyurl.com/yapakidsapply instead.
Class *
Please select the class and time that you are most interested in participating in. All class meetings are in Pacific Time (PT), and classes operate on a weekly schedule. DISCLAIMER: Depending on how many students sign up, it will take roughly 1-2 weeks to assign a class for your child/children. If any of the classes you are interested in mention having a waitlist, it may take slightly longer.

We recommend signing up for multiple classes, which you can do by submitting this form a second time with a different class.
Class Timings (Pacific Standard Time)
Which class option would you like to take? *
Find the times corresponding to each option in the table above. All times are in Pacific Standard Time.

If neither option A or option B work for your schedule but you would like to attend a class, our team will still attempt to pair your student up with a teacher! This may however lead to your child waiting a longer time on the waitlist.
What timezone are you in? *
Is your child a returning student?
City, State, Zip Address (and Country if outside US)
How did you hear about YAPA Kids? 
If you would like to refer a friend to our organization, please enter their email in the box below. You are welcome to put more than email by separating each address by a comma! 
As parent/guardian of the child, I agree to the terms and conditions of attending classes outlined at bit.ly/yapakidstermsconditions, including waiving liability for harms and consenting to media release.
Please let us know about any questions or concerns you may have.
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