HPC-ED: I want to join the pilot
Thank you for completing this survey.  We would like to learn how you prefer to use HPC-ED to

Share training materials by publishing metadata about your resources into the HPC-ED catalog, and/or

Discover training materials by adding HPC-ED catalog search into your local portal.

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How do you want to be involved?
When do you plan to participate?
Describe the tools and languages you are using for your local portal and/or resource catalog information:
Mark the tools and languages listed that you and your team have used:
About how many resources do you want to discover and incorporate locally?
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About how many resources do you want to share via the HPC-ED catalog?
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What kind of materials do you want to share or discover?
If you want to discover materials, how do you prefer to incorporate the resources you find?
If you want to share materials, do you want the catalog listings to be public or restricted? While we assume most listings will be public, some may want to make their listings available only to people affiliated with their own institution or group of institutions, allowing them to use our catalog design to publish both public and private materials to their own catalog.
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At your local site, how are you storing the metadata that describes your resources?
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