Learn more about 826NYC's programs for schools: Extended Day & Young Writers Publish
If you would like to schedule a field trip, please click here for more information or contact Programs Coordinator Amani Nephew: amani@826nyc.org.

Fill out this form to learn more about 826NYC's creative writing programs for schools and other youth-serving organizations, including short-term teaching artist residencies (Young Writers Publish) and Extended Day programs.

Questions? Contact 826NYC's Director of Education, Naomi Solomon: naomi@826nyc.org or 332-241-7879.
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Your name: *
Your title: *
Ex: 6th grade ELA teacher; Parent Coordinator; etc.
Who Can Participate
At this time, 826NYC has limited slots available in our Young Writers Publish and Extend Day programs. In keeping with our mission to provide exceptional creative writing programs for young people who might not otherwise have access, participation is limited to: 
  • Public schools and public charter schools that have title I status and/or over 75% of students eligible for free/reduced price lunch.
  • Nonprofit and community-based organizations that primarily serve young people from low-income households in free programs.
Your school or organization: *
Where is your school or organization located? *
My school is... *
Is your school a title 1 school? *
What grade(s) do you work with? *
Your phone number: *
What are you interested in learning more about? *
If you're interested in field trips, you can find all the details and sign up here, or email Programs Coordinator Amani Nephew for more information: amani@826nyc.org.
What semester are you interested in getting started?
How did you hear about 826NYC?
Anything else?
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