2025 Wetland Science Conference Waiting List
Due to very strong interest in the conference and a surge in registration numbers, we are approaching the fire code limits on attendance at the conference facility. As a result, we have paused general registration for the in-person conference while we work with the venue to identify options. (NOTE: registration is still open for sponsor/exhibitor representatives and for "On-demand-only" registration (access to conference presentation recordings). Click "Register" above). We have created a waiting list to track people interested in registering for the conference so that we can follow up with people chronologically by when they tried to register. We hope to resolve this situation within the next week or so. Thank you for your patience as we manage this unprecedented situation. 

If you add yourself to this waiting list before the early bird deadline (January 24th) and a space opens up for you, we will honor the early bird pricing for you. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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Mobile Phone Number *
Work Phone Number (optional)
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We are hoping to offer spots to as many attendees as possible, but at the moment we have to prioritize conference presenters and facilitators. Please select the option that best describes you below: 
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