Dowona Initiative Registration
After you've read about The Dowona Initiative on our site,, please register here by providing a valid email address and answering either

*Yes* if you wish to register your family information to help us assemble cohorts of future classes. We want to know about all interested prospective students, currently between the ages of 0 and 18! Please fill out the entire form once for each family, listing in a single go all the guardians and future students of this innovative school. We will be in touch with you regularly as things progress.


*No* if you simply want to show your support and receive occasional updates from us.

All of your information will be kept private, used only by No Limits Learning New York Incorporated, a 501(c)(3) non profit organization (EIN 88-1521246), and the New York City Department of Education for the purposes of the Dowona Initiative school establishment process. Your permission will be explicitly sought for any other use beyond that. Please email with any questions.

Thank you very much for your interest and support!
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